Monday, April 09, 2007

Opening Day Soccer....

Saturday was the first game of the Spring soccer season. The kids were excited. Dar ren had to work. So I had to take all the children with me. Normally this is not a problem, however the weather was. 26* at 9:45am when I left the house. With windchill it was 9*. And we had SNOW FLURRIES.

I bundled up the kids the best I could. We arrived for our 10:30 game at 10:10 which gave me time to buy the "treat coupons" from the concession stand and make 1 trip to the port a potty before the game was suppose to start. Of course NO ONE (except me) is on time and the game starts late. I had my king sized down comforter with us and another comforter so we could sit on one and bundle in one. Only 5 kids from the twins team showed (2 being my kids) so as the kids rotated off the field (they play 3 at a time) they would come and bundle under the blanket with me, Hannah and Fa ye th. Fay e th cannot handle being too bundled up and she cannot wear mittons/gloves because of sensory overload so I was tryin to keep her as warm as possible but the blanket was too much for her too.

30 minutes into the game, Han nah is crying from head and neck pain and she swears she no longer has fingers. G abe comes off the field nearly hysterical from pain. Head, neck, fingers, ears and the ringing in his ears is driving him "crazy". His asthma is flaring up because it is SOO cold an he was so tight. Lind say is on the field crying from her fingers and ears hurting. Another 2 children on the other team are crying. Fa yeth has screamed the entire game from the wind.
I had it. I am just a parent at soccer, but *I* call a time out and pull LB off the field. I thought she was mad, but after talking she was not mad. GRATEFUL that I got her off the field. By the time we got to the car other parents had done the same and were already loading their kids into the car. It was awful. The kids cried for 45 minutes until they regained use of their fingers and their ears thawed. G abe scored 1 goal and LB 3. Hannah begged me not to make her go to another soccer game if it is that cold. Don't worry baby...I WON'T!

If you ask the kids if they had a good time at soccer they will reply, "IT WAS SOOO COLD!" LOL


Anonymous said...

There are days when I don't know what the folks who run our soccer are thinking. Our games are rarely cancelled for any kind of weather. I refuse to send the girls if I think it is too cold or if it is pouring rain. I told the coach that until they are playing professionally, it isn't worth it ;-)

Anonymous said...


Where the heck is spring already! I don't blame them for being cold or you for yanking them!

Amy said...

I can't believe they didn't cancel it. Austin's was canceled last weekend. Kudos to you for being so prepared!