Sunday, August 05, 2007

I had this beautiful post for Hannah...

but I think right now that will have to wait. Just over a month ago, I got an email from my "aunt" that said that I was "a sick person who wanted sick kids". Also "be aware he (my uncle) may even write on your blog for other to see right thur you crying for prays for your kids but not even going to church you stir this up not me."

I opted to move my blog. Code my kids names, all because I did not want these sick individuals reading what was going on with my children. And YES these are the people that wrote the nasty letters to Miss Daisy.

In the last month I have really pondered the things that were said about me. And just for the record I want to set a few things straight.

#1 "be aware he (my uncle) may even write on your blog for other to see right thur you crying for prays for your kids but not even going to church you stir this up not me." I do not believe at all that I have to attend church to have a relationship with the Lord. Yes, I have ASKED for prayers, but I have never cried for them.

"a sick person who wanted sick kids" I actually had a few "choice words" in reply to this but I will take the moral high road. Not something that these people are familiar with.

The last 5 weeks and 4 days has been a very hard journey for us. Anytime you put your child under general anesthesia you cannot help but wonder if this will be the last time you will see your child. The emotionally roller coaster called recovery from neurosurgery. Being separated from the other kids, the decline and pain that Gabe had, chemical meningitis, pseudomeningocele, CSF leak, steroids, increase in other meds, increase in pain....and the list goes ON and On. If anyone thinks that I would want my kids to go through are C.R.A.Z.Y!

There is so much more I need to say, that I want to say but if I do I will get flamed. So I will keep my mouth shut.


Anna B said...

Nice people. Truly lovely.

Anyone who remotely knows you, knows that what your aunt has written is pathetic melodrama. Tell her to worry about her own soul and leave yours out of it.

And I don't even want to see the church that tells me that the only way to Divinity is through its doors. The Divine doesn't believe it and gets annoyed when 'followers' profess that as truth.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bunky....I say GO FOR IT...!!!! Well, ya quote a famous Christian...who actually acted like Christ...."Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in the garage...makes you a car"....unfortunately...there'a alot of people sitting in the pews...that don't know Christ...or His ways. Love you all so much...Remember..."The Hand of the Lord is On You...and Your Husband Darren"...and Your Beautiful Children....Also....

mamakate said...


My stomach is sick to even think that someone (let alone "family") could think that you would want sick children. I am angry!!

Your relationship with the LORD, is just that...YOURS. No one can tell you how to do it or that it is right/wrong.

Many hugs, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I think that how and where you have your relationship with the Divine is your own business. I also think that when it comes to our kids, esp when they are ill, you take prayers from who ever is willing and when ever you can. If is not a matter of crying to get them; rather, it is people offering. You can't make someone pray for you. Crazy!

And as far as the second statement that says you are a sick person who wants sick kids. Well, I am not taking the moral high ground here... that is the most fucked up, full of shit, nonsense thing that I have ever heard! The person who would utter such a thing is a moran with the IQ of 3 and a big black hole where a heart should be. They should take a large, sharp object and blundeon themself until some common sense sets it... What a Fucktard!

You are a great mom and a great person. Don't let anyone ever make you doubt that.