Thursday, October 12, 2006

We have SNOW?

When I left from Florida on Saturday it was 93 degrees.... Today I take the kids to the ENT and to do some running for the business and we have SNOW! It is 35 freaking degrees and WE HAD SNOW!!! Granted the snow did not accumulate, but still it is the 12th of OCTOBER! What the hell is this about. Dammit, I am STILL waiting for summer. The pool company has yet to come and close the pool. And it is SNOWING. GRRR! I could MOVE TO FLORIDA! I had not even bought Gabe a new coat. I tried it on yesterday afternoon and it does not fit. His arms are too long. *SIGH* So today the kid got a new coat. If he would just STOP GROWING SO QUICKLY!

On the dance front, Linds ay and the rest of the bon bon's will be dancing at the Su gar Plu m Fai ry Luncheon. Anybody wants to go let me know. She is so thrilled. That of course means an extra practice this weekend. She & G abe took a 45 minute Ballet class to make up the class they missed while on vacation and now they want to take that one AND their tap/ballet class on Mondays. I think they will pass on that. They are 4 and they are not taking 3 classes in 1 week. I think they might be trying to drive me crazy. ;)

We stopped at Office Depot and G abe thought he died and went to heaven. We stopped in the school aisle and that child was SOOOO thrilled. He asked for a TON of work books for christmas. He had me write down the ones he wants so he can ask SANTA to bring them. *Rolls Eyes* CRAZY CHILD.

We saw the hot ENT today. We decided to leave Ga b e ' s tubes in until March then we will eval taking them out. F ay eth's ears look great. Hannah's left tube looks like it is on its way out, but her right looks great.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh it is sunny and almost 80 at 10:00am...

Wanna come back to Florida?? LOL

Anonymous said...

Please keep it in Indiana.
The people of CT thank you.:)

Anonymous said...

We will take one day of snow from you but not til Dec please. Hate to tell you this but they keep growing. LOL!!