Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Washing Machine...

Only another 72 hours until I can do laundry again.


Anna B said...

I have three words for you:
FLUFF AND FOLD. Call the laundry mats in the area, find out who does fluff and fold and be done with it. I did it on vacation, and it was the smartest thing I have ever done. Everything is folded perfectly, socks are whiter than they were when purchased, and all you have to do is put it away.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I think you need a new humongo front load washer...LOL

Kyra said...

What in the world is that? For heavens sake lol.

S.u.s.a.n said...

That does not look good at all ... lol I hope Mr Repairman shows up on time!

Jen C. said...

Looks like you do a lot of laundry....lol