Monday, November 22, 2010


I (use) to have a friend who was high in the maintenance department. She has a great heart, would pretty much do anything for any one, but was very self centered, poor me and high on drama. Every little thing that would occur over the day was high in the drama field. But like I said, she has a really good heart and that alone was a reason why the drama momma aspects were easy to over look. In the past 3 years my tolerance for drama and BS have seriously become smaller and smaller. I have realized priorities and honestly tried to stop "stressing" over the small stuff. This friend has had many true traumas in her life that really caused me to wonder exactly HOW she could be so drama momma over small things. I started worrying about her mentally. I noticed that she was showing some very significant signs of being very depressed. Her moods were HIGH then they would go LOW and he smallest thing pushed her over the edge repeatedly. In October, after one of her high drama posts, I vented to a friend, then I received an email from another friend that she had just received the "There is nothing more I can do for your chronically ill child" speech. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I made my facebook status below:

"Michelle W-H really wishes that people would take a few moments to stop, take a deep breath, look around, and then be grateful for the blessings in their life. Because honestly having ones health, a roof over ones head and their loves ones near by are the most important things in the world. Ask the people who do not have it, I am sure they would agree"

Was it at just my "friend", not completely. Did I hope that it rang true in her and helped her to see what a negative nellie she had become, I could always hope. However it was also to me and everyone. It was a reminder to take a moment and appreciate what you HAVE instead of worrying about what you don't have or keeping up the appearances of having a perfect life. Just live your life and be grateful.

However, my "friend" unfriended me. So, I did the mature thing and also deleted her off of my yahoo, ect. :) I let her know that I knew. An email was started between us and I put it out there that I was worried about her mental status. That I felt that she was battling depression. She chose to close the door on that conversation. This "friend" who did not like what I had to say, still stalks my blog and still stalks our caringbridge page, so I have chosen not to update there much.

However, to be honest, since I no longer have to receive her updates, it has been nice not to shake my head and wonder WTF is she thinking. It has been nice to cut her drama from around me. It has made me feel lighter not carrying around her emotional baggage. It has been so very nice.

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