Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Deja Vu.....

February 8, 2009 found me driving to Chicago to the RMH to prepare for Lindsay surgery.

February 9, 2009 was a scary day for us.

Lindsay was scheduled for surgery February 10, 2010. At first I was going to go to the RMH on February 9th, but at a later date opted to just come up on the 10th. However this silly snow storm changed that and on February 8, 2010 I found myself taking the same route I took a year ago. We are in the same room we were a year ago.

Today it was hard not to want to wrap her up in bubble wrap to make her safe.

Tomorrow I will be sending her back to the OR. This time I will be by myself when she goes. I sort of think it will be easier this way.

Lindsay-becca.... I love you baby. Remember God is with you always...


Lynn - A Foodie and Her Family said...


Figgy and The Professor said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Heather (Ethan and Ellie's momma)