Sunday, July 22, 2007

To which the therapist can blame the DADDY!

Location: Family room Lower Level

People Involved: Dar ren, Linds ay, and the 3 others were watching TV.

Lind say walks up to Dar ren (who is pre occupied by his computer) and states, "Here Daddy. I lost a tooth!"

Dar ren looks at her and sees a string in her hand and starts screaming, "Did you pull out your tooth?"

Lind say: FREAKS THE HELL OUT FROM HER FATHER SCREAMING AT HER and starts screaming herself!

I am upstairs in the living room and I yell down, "What happened?"

Dar ren: Lindsay yanked out her tooth with a string!
Lind say: * SCREAMING *
Me: Come up here. By this point I have decided that she must have knocked her tooth out and now she is bleeding because she is screaming like someone is stabbing her. I meet then in the foyer.
Me: Did she get it all out?
Dar ren: Dunno
I note that she is not bleeding so that is good. I said, "Where is it?" Dar ren hands me the tooth. Lind say is screaming. Darren has a look of shear HORROR on his face. To difuse the situation I start excitedly yelling, "YOU LOST YOUR FIRST TOOTH!!! THE TOOTH FAIRY COMES TONIGHT!!! YEAH SWEETIE!!!! YOU LOST YOU FIRST TOOTH!!!!"

The screaming ceases and cheering from the Toothless wonder starts. Everyone is excited. The Daddy is looking pale. We go upstairs to check and make sure that the entire tooth is out. It appears so. :) I note that her tooth next to it is loose also.

Me: "Linds did you pull your tooth out with a string?"
Lindsa: No mommy! It was loose!
So we discuss how the tooth goes into the keepsake jar and that the tooth fairy will leave her money on her special pillow.

I go downstairs where the Father has migrated to.
Me: "What the hell is your problem? This was her FIRST TOOTH and all you can do is SCREAM at her like she did something wrong?!"
Him: "Well, I though that she pulled it out with a string?"
Me: "SO WHAT!!!! Who the HELL CARES HOW it came out. It is out!!! It was her FIRST TOOTH. BIG ASS MILESTONE and all YOU can do is YELL AT HER? Do you realize this is going to be the moment she remembers for the rest of her life. YOU YELLING AT HER!!! SHe went to YOU first. NOT ME!!! YOU and YOU YELLED AT HER! At least it was YOU that scarred her. Next time that one of the kids looses their first tooth. Do you think just maybe that you could NOT yell at them? Her therapist will love you for this one!"
Darren: "It just freaked me the hell out!!! It was like WHAT THE HELL???!!!!"

I swear the man reacts 1 of 2 ways. 1) he OVER reacts in a negative way or 2) he shuts down and nearly passes out.

So now we have a little girl. Missing 1 tooth, 1 loose and a son who is PISSED that his twin sister lost a tooth AND an almost 4 year old who is afraid to go to sleep because the tooth fairy might get her!

Never a DULL MOMENT in our House! LOL

After reading this entry to Dar ren I asked him if he wanted me to add anything in his defense. He replied..."No!" With a HUGE heavy sigh. Dar ren was completely aware that I would be blogging this as while it was happening I kept saying, "You reaction is SOOOOOOOO blogworthy!"


Anonymous said...

OMG... LOVE it... classic memories at the H house :-). I am dying laughing at your 4 yo scared the fairy will get her ;D


Jen C. said...

You could write a book with all these stories. Chapter 5 - How to Guarantee Your Child Will Be In Therapy.

Anonymous said...

OMG...I can't help but LMAO... Miss V's two bottom teeth are loose too and her adult ones are coming in behind them...The Molarnator should be coming soon.


Anonymous said...

OMG, How did Darren make it to be a pharmacist (sp)?

mamakate said...


Congrats, Miss L-B on the missing tooth. You look adorable :0).

Don't worry, you'll have company in therapy - my kids will be there, too ;0).

Sarah said...

LOL...Scott would have reacted the same way.

I can't believe our babies are loosing teeth.