Sunday, February 25, 2007

Road Trip...

Yesterday we drove out to the BIG OLD METROPOLIS of South Bend to attend a birthday party. I never realized how rural my kids are until yesterday.

"Mommy look there is a HOSPITAL!!"

"Hann ah honey that is not a hospital that is an APARTMENT complex"

"What is an apartment complex?"

Which lead to a lengthy discussion and "WHY" would someone not want to have a yard?

I was informing them, "B ryce's party is at a Kids Gym."

"What is a kids gym mommy?"

"Well Ga be, A kids gym is a gym for kids. It has small sized equipment (Bars, beams, trampolines) for kids."

"Wow mommy! They have lots of cool things in the city!"


Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes. I am glad you had a great time.

Jessica said...

LMAO we could have taken them to the ghetto.... that would have really gave them an education.